FLAG 2016 @ Chennai, 31st May, 2016

31 May 2016

Host College / Venue


Participation Key Timelines

FLAG 2016 @ Chennai Opportunities will be closed by

29 May 2016

Hall Tickets will be available for FLAG 2016 @ Chennai

30 May 2016

FLAG Event Date

31 May 2016

Contact Details

Address :

Surgeforth Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
First Floor, No.30/6, Dhandeeswaram Nagar 4th Cross Street
Dhandeeswarar Nagar, Velachery East
Chennai – 600 042

Google Maps Location:

Participating Companies


  • Our goal is to hire people with great aptitude, not a particular skill set. We are product specialists.We are hyper focused on making our employees best of the breed. We have the necessary building blocks for it. Top clients, exposure to complex products and a great team!
  • We work on the cutting edge of technology – J2EE,Ruby on Rails, HTML5 mobile, Facebook apps, Big Data, Enterprise Computing, Scaling apps to millions of transactions.We are a happy family and have fun working with each other and want to keep it that way.
  • Partial List of our flagship Radaptive clients include Fortune 100 companies like Microsoft, Ebay, Paypal, Ask.com, Motorola and Zynga.

Kadamba Technology Private Limited

Kadamba Technologies is a product and services company providing cost-effective end-to-end solutions that are of high quality based on integrated IT and BPO services through practical application of software and technology.

Congruent Solutions Private Limited

Congruent Solutions is an IT and BPO services company with presence in USA, UK, Singapore, and India. Our customers ranging from Fortune 500 organizations to fledgling startups, often from various industry domains, trust our technical expertise and flexibility to address technology and business pains specific to them.


  • Milagrow is India’s No.1 Consumer Robots brand. Apart from Robotics, the company also focuses upon Mobile Technologies and Smart Homes. Since its debut in the Indian market in 2011, it has a number of ‘firsts’ to its credit.
  • A few of them are listed below:
  • Consumer Robots
    • India’s 1st Floor Cleaning Robots
    • World’s only Window Cleaning Robots
    • World’s only Body Massaging Robots
    • India’s 1st Lawn Mowing Robots
    • India’s 1st Swimming Pool Cleaning Robots
    • India’s largest range of Robotic Kits
    • World’s only Living Robots
  • Mobile Technologies
    • India’s Smartest TabTop PC which could potentially replace a Laptop thanks to its full wired and wireless connectivity.
    • India’s 1st Sunlight Readable TabTop PC with ‘Eye Protect Circuit’
    • World’s 1st TabTop PC for Women with security applications, extremely light-weight and emo-intuitive UI.
    • India’s Thinnest TabTop PC with thickness of a mere 6.5 mm
    • India’s 1st Quad Core CPU + Quad Core GPU TabTop PC.
  • Home Automation
    • 2014 will see the launch of India’s first 24×7 Cloud Connected Floor Cleaning Robot from Milagrow and a host of other innovative Robots. Watch this space!
    • After becoming India’s No.1 Consumer Robots company, Milagrow has embarked upon its journey to expand globally with its innovative range of world class products.
  • History
    • Founded in 2007, Milagrow came into existence with the aim of offering support as a venture catalyst to fill the ‘Management Capital’ need gaps of growth-seeking micro, small and medium businesses (MSMEs). After successfully establishing itself as a ‘One Window’ growth catalyst for a large number of MSME clients in India and abroad, Milagrow diversified into ‘products’ and set up its HumanTech division in the 4th quarter of 2011 with the objective of empowering individuals and families across the globe with technologically humane products, adapting the latest advancements in the field of Robotics, Mobility and Home Automation.
  • Milagrow is strongly guided by its noble Vision & ethical Values in all its strategic and operational initiatives.
  • For more information, visit us at www.milagrow.in or www.milagrowhumantech.com